Santosha Village Micro Project Opportunities
All projects receive 20 hour credit
General Overview & Expectations
Self Organized Projects. That is you will lead and execute project.
20 hour credit per person
Cannot start without a Project Lead. It is project leads responsibility to organize the rest of the group.
20 hour credit per person.
All Projects must have a minimum of 2 and no more than 3 meetings to complete all 20 hours. .
First meeting has to happen in February.
Must complete project, even if it takes longer than 20 hours.
To be fully completed before April 15th
Step 2: Final Meeting & Work Day
(Come prepared, for workday. Have ready all the parts before hand ready to work. Plan on the work taking the full day. Be prepared to go to Home Depot if needed to get last minute parts etc.)
Meet at bus
Start early. Plan to work all day if needed.
Food will be provided
Step 1: Initial Meeting with Haiyan
(Come prepared, Computer, Internet access, measuring tape, be ready to research and go to home depot or green project.)
Meet at bus
Understand Requirements
Research and come up with design proposal, parts list and budget
Determine Final Meeting/Workday
Wifi Solution Research & Implementation
Description: Help us find and implement a Wifi solution for our Kula bus. It should be able to handle 7 people surfing. Identify the best solution, write a convincing letter with some pictures/video to ask for a free one year subscription. Then help implement
Budget: ~$40/mo
Volunteers Needed: 1
Skills Required: Understanding of Wifi speeds. mobile solutions and research
Implement Homeless Resource Guide
Description: Add our google doc resource guide into database on airtable and tag it properly for searching etc.
Add ability to have common questions answered.
Budget: $0
Volunteers Needed: 1
Skills Required: Simple Database knowledge.
Research & Implementation of a Video Projection & Sounds System
Description: Research and implement a video projection and audio system that is both mobile, daylight compatible and allows for zoom calls/Facebook etc.
Budget: $700
Volunteers Needed: 1
Skills Required: Research and Tech understanding
Take professional pictures of Pada
Description: We would like different high quality pictures of Pada taken both empty, as open book, filled out, drawn upon etc. We will be using these pictures for our website and our One page flier.
Budget: A copy of Pada
Volunteers Needed: 1
Skills Required: Good quality photography
Candle Making Business Promotion
Help with marketing efforts to promote and market our micro business. Come up with a plan and help implement part of it. Social Media etc. Also create a video for this business. Google Ad Words setup
Budget: $50
Volunteers Needed: 3
Skills Required:
Marketing plan ( 1 Person) : Business Major Senior with Social media and marketing
Video Making (1 Person) : Previous video making experience.
Google Ad Works (1 Person): Previous Google Ad words experience